Due to the distributed and fine-grained nature of Datatailr’s app development options, and the encapsulation of each app in its own runtime environment, multiple versions of each app may exist, each in a separate docker container and each in a separate external package version. Datatailr enables you to generate a report that specifies which users are using which version of each package (external libraries and so on) and who is the owner of each image.

For instance, if a security alert were issued about a vulnerability in a particular library version that is utilized by multiple packages, this report enables you to see which runnables are using these libraries and who was the owner of these runnables.

It’s recommended to assign each app’s owner the task of upgrading the app and not to simply upgrade all the runnables that use this library yourself. This is because a package version incompatibility may break the app. Therefore, we recommend the following –

  1. Generate a report to see who are the owners of runnables that are using problematic packages.

  2. Review the report to see who is the owner of the relevant runnables.

  3. Contact the owner of each app to notify them that they must upgrade their app using a more valid or secure version of the relevant library.